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Tiger Talk July 10 2020

It is not long now and the wait is almost over.

The recent outbreak of community transmission in Victoria is a clear reminder that we all have to stay vigilant to stop the spread of Corona virus. We have done a great job in NSW in reducing the rate of community transmission and it is essential that all junior football clubs work together to stay safe and stop the spread.

With the season kick-off fast approaching it is important to remember that the Yarrawarrah Tigers will be following the strict government and department of sport guidelines to ensure the safety of our players and the broader community in general. Some of the safety initiatives you will see in place at the weekend include:

  • A maximum of 500 people are allowed at any one venue at any point in time, with a requirement of 4 square metre’s being available per person, as per the Public Health Order.

  • A maximum of two parents / spectators attend per participant.

  • A gap in between matches is factored into draws to allow for people to clear a venue.

  • All players and spectators are encouraged to practice good hygiene which includes covering their faces to sneeze, washing your hands regularly and not attending games if you are unwell.

  • Hand sanitiser stations will be available at every ground and everyone will be encouraged to wash their hands regularly including upon arrival and when leaving the ground on game day.

  • Players will not be permitted to share drink bottles and trainers will not be permitted to administer water during the game.

  • Games will be split into quarters to allow for players to rest and get a drink of water. In some instances total game times have also been reduced.

  • Players will not be permitted to get changed for their game at the ground. They must arrive dressed and ready to play.

  • Players, coaching staff and officials will be required to social-distance (1.5m) on the side-line and shaking of hands at the end of the game will not be permitted at this time.

  • Everyone is encouraged to download and activate the COVID SAFE app.

We are also sharing the latest update on match schedules and duration for each age group and ask all players and parents to familiarise themselves with the updated game duration factoring in drinks and breaks.

  • Where four under 6 or under 7 matches are being played at once at a single venue, a 15 minutes gap is scheduled from the end of one set of matches to the start of the next.

  • For all other matches at a single venue, a 10 minute gap is built into schedules.

  • Drinks breaks during all ages.

A big thank you to everyone for their patience and hard work in getting to this point and all Tigers officials, players and parents have made a fantastic effort in following the guidelines and keeping everybody safe.

Stay vigilant next week and please maintain social distancing, even during the excitement of the game.

Go The Tigers

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