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Match Day 6-4 and 5 June 2022

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

Match Day Six had three teams playing their first home games of the season and the U6 and U7 teams were involved in Gala Days at Bosco and Engadine Dragons. We know both teams enjoyed themselves at the Gala Days, even if all the excitement and effort caught up with the little Tigers at the end of the day. This photo shared by Lara Dart captures that post-match feeling perfectly.

It was bitterly cold in Tigertown but the sun was shining and if it wasn't for the wind, it would have been the perfect Winters day. We had a bit of work to do on the Friday to get the ground in order for the weekend and a BIG TIGERS SHOUT OUT to Gerome, Adam, Darren and others who re-marked the lines and even got their whipper-snippers out on the Saturday to finish off those hard to get areas. We would also like to give a special mention to Ben Nolan who mowed the grass on his ride-on and at times he must have felt like he was floating rather than mowing. We would like to thank all the parents for helping with set-up, BBQ and Canteen and for helping put on a great match day experience for all the teams playing at Yarrawarrah. It is these things that make the Tigers special and we appreciate the involvement of all parents in making our club what it is.

U6 Green Gala DayTigers De La Salle Gymea Como

The Tigers gala day was played against De La Salle, Gymea Gorillas and Como Crocs and everyone had a great day. The Tigers managed to win two of their games and were only narrowly defeated in the third. We also had many Tigers scoring their first tries ever and congratulations to Josh Dart, Hendrix Austin, Layken Koprivic, Conor Lehane, Ollie Trevillian, and Robert Couley for getting over the try line, we hope you experience many, many more. The Gala Day came at a really good time for the U6 team with many players coming out of their shell and looking to get involved in the game at every opportunity. Thanks David, Matt and Faye for looking after the boys and thanks to all the parents for sharing your photos and videos from the day.

U7 Green Tigers Gymea, Menai, Cronulla

The Tigers gala day was played against Gymea Gorillas, Menai Roosters and Cronulla Caringbah Sharks. The U7's had a memorable day, winning all three games and scoring a bagful of tries. We hear on the grapevine that the Tigers coach Dennis O'Reilly had challenged the team beforehand, saying he would shave his beard and hair if they managed to win their games. We guess this was the only motivation the U7's needed and we look forward to seeing the photos of a bald coach soon. We are excited about the U7 team and it looks like they have gelled very quickly and just love playing together. Everyone on the team has a role and each player contributes throughout the game. We are glad everyone enjoyed the Gala Day and thanks Dennis, Tyler and Danielle for looking after the boys and thanks to all the parents for sharing your photos and videos from the day.

U8 Green Tigers 10 Cronulla Caringbah 42

The U8’s played their first home game of the season against a skillful Sharks outfit and held their own for long periods of the game. Some good runs early on by Aston Gibbons, Hayden Walker and Charlotte Dart put the Sharks under pressure. The Sharks got a break and scored only to see the Tigers go straight on the attack and Levi Horne scored and converted to give the Tigers a 6-4 lead. The Sharks scored again from their set to go 8-6 ahead and this stirred the Tigers into action. Hayden Walker was making metres every time he got the ball and was constantly punching holes in the Sharks defence. Astong Gibbons and Zac May were feeding off any crumbs and used their speed to create havoc.

Some fantastic defence by Charlotte Dart and Joey Rodriguez stopped the Sharks dead in their tracks and the Tigers threatened again, nearly re-taking the lead but we’re stopped just short of the line . Another brilliant covering tackle by Zac May stopped a certain breakaway try before the Sharks managed to score again and take a 14-6 lead. The Tigers were playing with real determination and more than holding their own against the bigger and faster Sharks. Hudson Palmervale and Hunter Welfare were playing well making tackles and looking for the ball and a great run by Max Horne nearly resulted in a try but he was tackled millimeters short of the line.

In the second half the Sharks put on a couple of early tries and started to pull away from the Tigers. Malachi Kane and and Charlotte Dart got the Tigers going forward and the team was working hard to stay with the Sharks and create some pressure. Some solid defence by the Tigers with Zac May, Hayden Walker and Levi Horne tackling everything that moved, gave the Tigers a lift and they started to pressure in the final stages.

The Tigers continued to hold the Sharks at bay until mid way through the fourth quarter when they put on three tries to take the game away from the Tigers. Levi Horne managed to get the Tigers on the board again, scoring a great solo effort and this was no less than the Tigers deserved after a gutsy performance. Levi weaved his way through the Sharks defence before scoring under the posts. The Tigers went down 42-10 but it was a great effort from the team who looked good in patches and dug in to keep the Sharks at bay.

Player of the Game: Zac May

Tigers Spirit Award: Max Carlson

U12 Bronze Tigers 18 Kogarah Cougars 6

We welcomed Jensen Bunyan who made his debut for the Tigers today and he certainly had a game to remember. Both teams started strongly with no team gaining an advantage early on. With both teams holding each out the Cougars put in a long kick in and the Tigers were guilty of ball watching, letting the ball drop and the Cougars re-gathered the ball and scored the first points of the game 6-0. From the kick-off the Tigers went straight on the attack and nearly scored but fell just short of the line. The Cougars didn't make much ground from their set and the Tigers kept possession and put the Cougars defence under pressure. A good move saw the ball worked out to the left and Jake Goody put Levi Dawson in to get the score back to 6-4. From the kick off the Cougars lost the ball on the Tigers 30 metre line and Levi Dawson gathered it up, tucked it under his arm and ran the length of the field to put the Tigers 8-6 ahead.

The Tigers defence were quicker of their line this week playing more forward to reduce the space that the Cougars forwards had to work in. Cooper Nunn was tackling everything in the middle and Mason Holiday was making good metres every time he had the ball. Lewis Amesbury picked up the ball in the final minute of the first half and managed to weave his way around and through the Cougars defence and to score a brilliant solo effort and put the Tigers 14-6 ahead at half time.

In the second half a good run by Lewis Amesbury followed up by another good run by Bede Staniforth got the Tigers in a good attacking position and Mason Holiday went close to scoring his first try for the Tigers. The Tigers were playing well Leo Giovenco looking threatening, William Janssen and Lucius Viteri showing plenty of energy and Reece Amos putting himself about. Mid-way through the half the Cougars managed to get around the Tigers and Liam Good made a strong covering tackle to snuff out the danger. On the next set the Tigers worked the ball through hands and got the ball out to the debutant Jensen Bunyan who used his pace to get outside of the defence to score on his debut and put the Tigers 18-6 ahead.

The Tigers made several substitutions and the Cougars used this to their advantage and scored to get the scores back to 18-12. From the kick off the Tigers made good metres and got to the Cougars 20 metre line. Levi Dawson put in a good cross field grubber kick and Jensen Bunyan was able to outpace everyone to get his second try and get the Tigers ahead 24-12. The Cougars never gave up and managed to score again after some good work by their backs, working the ball through hands to get the score back to 24-16. In the final minute the Tigers went on the attack again and a great offload by Bede Staniforth to Jensen Bunyan saw him score his hat trick and give the Tigers a winning score of 28-16.

This was a great team performance by the Tigers with everyone contributing and supporting each other. This will give the Tigers plenty of confidence for the remainder of the season and hopefully they will be challenging for the Premiership at the end of the season.

Player of the Game: Jensen Bunyan

U12 Silver Tigers 12 De La Salle 20

This game resembled a heavyweight boxing match with both teams standing toe to toe and slugging it out for the whole game.

The Tigers started well and a good break by Hudson Wilcox saw the Tigers go close but a dropped ball gave possession back to De La Salle. They worked the ball wide to their winger who showed a clean pair of heels to outpace the Tigers and go 4-0 ahead. From the kick off the Tigers worked the ball wide to Zac Porter who weaved his way through the defence and scored in the corner to put the tigers up 6-4. De La Salle went on the attack from the kick off and worked the ball to the 10 metre line. A speculative kick across the line saw it bobble through Tigers defenders legs and De La Salle got to the ball first, to re-take the 10-6.

Hudson Wilcox and Mason De Luca were making good tackles in the middle and they were well supported by Ethan Coleman who was harrying their attackers into mistakes. Unfortunately for the Tigers, De La Salle scored again after a Tigers mistake to take a 14-6 lead close to half time. The Tigers had some good attacking play but were unable to score. Jack Nolan and Billy Dunn kept looking for gaps but were unable to put pressure on the De La Salle defensive line. A long kick from Ethan Coleman went dead in goal and De La Salle made a quick break before Ethan made up for his kick by making a crucial tackle to get the ball back for the Tigers. We went into the break with the Tigers attacking the line but unable to force a score.

In the second half an early mistake put De La Salle on the attack and they scored in the corner to go 20-6 ahead. The Tigers had a mountain to climb to get back into the game and they threw everything at De La Salle to try and get over the line. It was only some great goal line defence by De La Salle that kept the Tigers out, even after after repeated attacks by Dylan Sammut, Ethan Coleman and Jack Nolan. More good work saw strong runs by Zac Porter and then Hudson Wilcox to get the Tigers going forward. Another great tackle by Ethan Coleman saved a certain try and the game and the Tigers went back on the attack through Zar Mackenzie and Mason Holiday.

Eventually, the Tigers got some luck working the ball out to Zac Porter who got on the outside of the defence and scored under the posts to get the score back to 20-12. Good defence from the Tigers got them going forward again before a chancy pass gave the ball back to De La Salle. Strong defence from Cooper Nunn and Patrick Graham saw the Tigers going forward again but the De La Salle defence held firm and the Tigers were unable to get over the line. Billy Dunn had a great second half and was involved in all the Tigers best work and he was well supported by Dylan Sammut and Zac Porter.

It was not quite the result the Tigers were hoping for but both teams deserve credit for giving no quarter and playing the game in a great spirit.

Player of the Game: Ethan Coleman

U15 Silver Tigers 26 Como Crocs 6

The Tigers meet the Como Crocs in an early kick off at Scylla Oval in a must win game for both teams.

The Tigers defended the first set solidly before a handling error gave the ball back to the Crocs. The Crocs themselves gave the ball up early on in the tackle count after a solid hit by Fintan Kelly. The Tigers were putting pressure on the Crocs defence and a handling error allowed the Tigers to score first through a good try by Kobi Porter who put the Tigers ahead 4-0.

Straight from the kick off Blake Burke made ground getting the Tigers to the halfway line, on the next set Alex Moussa received the ball and beat the first line, before throwing a couple of dummies to score in the corner and put the Tigers ahead 8-0. A couple of penalties allowed the Crocs to attack and some solid goal line defence by the Tigers kept them out. A Tigers error gave the ball straight back to the Crocs and more desperate defence on the Tigers line, kept the Crocs at bay for a second time.

The Crocs were having the better of the game towards the halftime break, attacking the Tigers at every opportunity. A handling error relieved this somewhat, however, the Tigers gave the ball straight back on the first tackle and the Crocs were in prime position on the Tigers ten metre line. The Tigers managed to keep them out for 15 tackles but on the bell Como made the pressure count to score and get the score back to 8-4 at halftime.

The Tigers started strongly in the second half and threatened the Crocs line with a grubber kick from Kobi Porter, however it was too strong and gave the Crocs the ball back on the twenty metre line. A great tackle by Will Price stopped the Crocs getting a breakaway and from the next play the Crocs coughed the ball up and the Tigers could build again. A few errors from both teams saw the play remain around the halfway line before a Crocs kick saw the Tigers knock on and put the Crocs back on the Tigers try line. The Tigers defence was solid and sniffed out every Crocs attack and then a good kick from Albie Lamaro, relieved the pressure and got the Tigers into the Crocs half. A good break by Alex Mantik advanced the Tigers to the twenty metre line and a good move with the ball being worked through hands, saw Albie Lamaro crash through defenders to score under the posts. He converted his own try to put the tigers 14-6 ahead.

Both teams defended the next sets well before a kick by Como was gathered superbly by Alex Moussa who danced his way through the Crocs defence and ran sixty metres to score under the posts and put the Tigers out to a convincing 20-6 lead. In the final few minutes the Tigers tails were up and they were pressuring the Crocs in search of another try. This came in the final minute after a good switch play by Jai McEwen got the Tigers going forward on the right wing. A laser long pass by Kobi Porter got the ball in the hands of Fintan Kelly who put on the afterburners to score in the corner. The Tigers ran out winners 24-6 to secure their first win of the season in a good game against a tough opponent in the Crocs.

Player of the Game: Blake Burke

U18 Merged Tigers/Crocs Renown

The Tigers/Crocs scored first in an open game to take a 6-0 lead. Renown applied some pressure and scored to get the game back to 6-4 before the Tigers/Crocs scored again to take a 10-4 lead. Unfortunately for the Tigers/Crocs that was the last points they would score in the first half as Renown scored another two tries to take a 16-10 lead.

In the second half Renown got on the board early to take a 22-10 lead and they were beginning to make easy metres all over the park. Renown scored again through their forwards who were difficult to stop when close to the try line and quickly went out to a 28-10 lead. The Tigers/Crocs got back into the game with a well worked try and got the score back to 28-14. The Tiger/Crocs scored again in the fifty third minute to get the score back to 28-20 with another well worked try close to the posts. A 40-20 got the Tigers/Crocs on the attack again but they were unable to get over the line. A fifth tackle grubber saw Renown play at the ball and the Tiger/Crocs had another six. On the first of these a well worked move saw them cross to get the score back to 28-26 and there was every hope of a dramatic late win. Unfortunately the Tiger/crocs left their run too late and ended up losing by two points.

Check out the galleries below and thanks to our sponsors for bringing you this weeks games.

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